Excess weight causes many health problems: type 2 diabetes, heart disease and strokes, certain types of cancer, osteoarthritis, liver and kidney diseases and pregnancy problems.
If your waist size is over 85cm for women or 100cm for men than you are at high risk of these diseases.
As a doctor, I"m not concerned about how people look, but I"m concerned about the diseases caused by excess weight: type 2 diabetes, heart disease and strokes, certain types of cancer, osteoarthritis, liver and kidney diseases and pregnancy problems.
How to lose unhealthy extra weight?
I don"t recommend to diet as it is too stressful for organism. However, I suggest to move more and to take natural supplements to help your body fight fat.
Numerous clinical studies have confirmed the effectiveness of Express Fat Burner in the fight against excess weight, reducing appetite and boosting immunity. I tried this product myself and I strongly recommend it to you if you have extra weight.
To lose unhealthy weight, you need to move more, but it"s impossible to move all day as you need to work, get to work and etc. This is when natural supplements come to help your organism fight fat.
Neelima Fox,
MSEd, RD, CDE, CDN, Certified Dietician